Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Listen to love...

 The theme for our most recent treasury comes from one of Tenth Avenue North's newer songs, "Grace." The word "grace" has a tendency to pop up in our team searches, and it only seemed right to take a few minutes to highlight some of our favorite artists and the grace they have incorporated into their work. Soft springtime shades of green coordinated elegantly with the creamy shades of the word art, and by now you know we could not resist using as many photographs as possible. Fortunately, there are many beautiful photos for sale amongst the CAST team, so we had our pick of stunning shots to work with.

'Only grace....' by HandiworkinGirls

Oh, can you hear, hear mercy sing She cries to bitter hearts, end your suffering Oh, please let go, give up your fight Holding back your love, it never made things right It's gonna be ok, ok tonight, yeah
Grace, only grace
Can roll your dead heart’s stone away
Grace, only grace
Can move us to a rhythm that will change our ways

















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